Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Since I've had children (which coincided with leaving the Army), I seem to have a problem with Time. Not so much that there's not enough of it, but keeping track of it and judging how much time has passed during any given activity. Anyway, there are certain situations worse than others: Target is a big time vacuum, I've no ability whatsoever to judge how long I've been in there except by how much money is spent, shopping mall and other large retail establishments another big one, bookstores, reading a book or magazine, talking on the phone, chatting with friends, holding a baby, getting shoes and coats on, the ages of my children. How can BB possibly be almost seven years old when he was just born last year? At least that's what it feels like. And the clocks moving forward on Sunday just added to my un-timeliness. What brought this reflection on? My poor, hardworking husband standing in the cold waiting 25 minutes past the time I was supposed to pick him up. I needed the car this afternoon so he came home from his training exercise (long hours, little sleep) for lunch and I brought him back to work. Then ran my errands and came back to pick BB up from the neighbor's and I planned on being out of the house for dinner and the bookstore and then kids in car to fall asleep on the way back. I didn't want them going to bed and then have to put them in the car at 9:00 to get J. Anyway, we ate dinner in the food court, bathroom break, went to the pet store, bathroom break, then the bookstore, where we only looked in the children's section. So I go to pay for our selections and notice the other stores have their gates down! I ask the cashier what time it was (my cell was buried under the stroller and coats) and he said "5 after 9!" Shock! Dismay! Hurry! Car is parked at the other end of the deserted mall, so I told BB and BG they could run in the mall this one time as long as they didn't get too far ahead... Load up, drive back to post without stopping to get J any dinner, as planned, and find him cold, hungry and angry in the parking lot. I thought of many plausible excuses, but decided I wouldn't start lying to him after 13+ years of marriage. Lost track of Time, Honey, very sorry. Perhaps I should get past my Being on Time For Everything Rebellion and start wearing a watch again. It stopped shortly after I got out of the Army and I never really put one on again... Anyway, husband forgives me, penance is making cookies for his troops so I better get going...


Kellee said...

Megan, too bad you haven't been blogging for years, you have the best stories....