Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Nature vs Nurture

With LG and LB we've had the opportunity to see how much nature and nurture are coming to play in the development of their personalities. It's so interesting to see how different they are and wonder if it's all because we treat them differently (even when trying not to) or just the very differences they are born with. Both of our girls have shown an interest at an early age in shoes, hats, dresses, babies. Is it because they see mommy with that stuff or just because we do dress them different from the start? We've got the 'boy' stuff available too but they are just not interested. And LB is opposite the other way. The only way he'll pick up a baby doll is if he wants to throw it down! And the contrast in their words. LG says a few more (see previous post), but LB's few words are: ball, throw, here, ma, and da. I really can't buy into the idea that it's all about environment when I see two children (well 4) with much the same treatment act so differently. Even in the womb, I could always tell if it was LB or LG kicking. LB had strong, knock you over kicks, and LG's were little flutters. So have we treated them differently because they were already that way from birth and therefore we acted accordingly? Or is so much already printed into them and their environment either suppresses or emphasized those traits? Either way, I'm enjoying their individualality and the challanges of being fair and not always giving in to the squeaky (screaming) wheel before taking care of the patient sweet girl.