Thursday, March 6, 2008

good busy, dizzy day

Reflecting on today, I realize why I'm ready for bed at 8:00! I know I feel better when I get a workout in, but today really reinforced that feeling of increased energy. After my 2 cups of coffee and cereal this morning and relaxing for a bit, I actually got on the new elliptical trainer for a while (a record twice in one week!)as the babies and BG played. Then because I was already sweaty I decided to go shovel the walk and driveway after feeding everyone lunch and putting babies down for their nap. Wintery mix is no fun to shovel with layers of snow and ice and slush so that took about an hour. Then back inside to clean up, get everyone ready to go to hourly care and out the door. Dropped kids off and did a couple of errands and then back to get BB off the bus which I was late for! Darling neighbor got him off the bus and fed him a snack. Then we went to the pharmacy and the commissary and 4 minutes late picking up the rest of the crew from hourly care which won't happen again at $15 extra for all three of them! Then back home and neighbor took BB and BG to the pool with them and the babies 'helped' me put groceries away (mostly by sitting at the open bag and eating grapes before I could get to them) then I fed, bathed and put them in bed and picked up the explosion in the living room before the others got home... Fed BB and BG and sent them to bed, then sat down to check email, call J and eyes are drooping as I finish this... I think I'll skip the workout tomorrow... Who knows? I might be on time for something and my dishes might get done. I don't want to be raising expectations too high...