Monday, March 3, 2008

Beautiful Day!

We finally had a gorgeous day today! Almost 60 degrees and sunny and breezy. Most of the snow in the back yard is melted but still plenty in front. A nice little break before the winter storms hit again tomorrow night! Anyway, we all played outside this afternoon and I finally saw how many kids live on our end of the street (seems like about 20!). LG and LB rode their little 3 wheel scooter 'bikes' and LB kept heading for the puddles. BG got knocked over by a bigger kid and has a nice lump on the back of her head and mud all over her back (she decided to stay in after that) and BB wanted to go back out after dinner! I got so excited about being outside that I started looking at swing sets online... This having two toddlers going seperate directions down the street is no joke! I need them confined to a much smaller area!


Molly said...

We had those days this weekend. 60degrees both days (a bit windy here - but at least we were outside!) Then today - a high of 28! I love the snow, but after those two days and WEEKS of not being out - I am ready for spring. It is going to be cold ALL freakin' week!

I need someplace to take Jack so he stops expending his energy on my couch!