Sunday, March 30, 2008

Eggs in the Snow

Well, hunting for Easter Eggs in the snow was a different experience... Poor LB was sick all weekend, but LG, BG, and BB had a great time looking for eggs in the snow on Easter. LG caught right on to what is was all about (the candy filled eggs in her basket earlier helped a lot!) and was eager to put more eggs in her basket. Hopefully we got them all since it snowed again this week and we won't find them until the thaw... We also went to church on post for the first time on Sunday. Small group at the general protestant service, but I liked it and the kids liked the children's church. The only downside is that the Sunday school classes are at the other chapel so we would have to load back up and head over there after our service. I'll probably check out the more contemporary service also before we decide where we want to go on a regular basis. Always one of the more difficult parts of moving for me is finding a church to attend. I think I finally figured out the picture thing so here's a few pics of Easter and the weekend and a few others.


Major Mom said...

The Main Post Chapel service at 9:15 is where its at:) Thats where we go and love it.