Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Middle Child

BG is really feeling her lot in life as the 'middle child' lately. She doesn't get as much 'fun' attention as the twins and doesn't get to do as much stuff as BB and he bosses her around. She told me yesterday "I want to be bigger than BB now. When will I be bigger than him?" Sorry, baby girl, he's always going to be your big brother. I asked her if she didn't like having a big brother sometimes and she said 'no, I want to be bigger and BB be younger than me.' I told her she might like having a big brother when she starts riding the school bus in the fall and then she said "I'm going to sit next to BB every day!" aaawwww. I didn't mention that to BB... Sometimes it's hard for us to remember that she was the 'youngest' for 3 1/2 years and in some ways still thinks of herself that way. She does want to be in the middle of everything going on! And loves her baby brother and sister but we still have to watch carefully when she's playing with them just because she is so rough! Which they love most of the time! When we found out we were having boy and girl twins, she was so excited and told me everything she was going to do with the 'girl baby' (poor LB) and as soon as they were born she was on them like flies on honey! Literally climbing on them to give them hugs. She definetely saw them as 'hers.' Now, she says "I want to be a twin with the babies so I don't have to do chores" and "how come the babis don't have to do chores." I reply with "you didn't have to do chores when you were their age." So I get it that she's feeling a bit dissatisfied with her middle position in this family and we're trying to give her some undivided attention with mom and dad. We try to do that on occasion with all of them. They are so different when they don't have to compete for attention! It's been a great reminder for us about their wonderful, different personalities and fills up the 'love tank' for when they are fighting with their brothers and sisters! I'm thinking with BG, we might need those reminders a little more often because she is usually in the 'middle' of the fights!