Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Attempting to keep my sense of humor, so bear with the bad poetry in limerick form:

There's an Army wife in Fort Drum
who slipped on her rather large bum
for spring she can't wait
she'd rather cut bait
than see one more flake of snow come

There once was a girl from Cali
who got hitched to a guy from Jersey
she popped out some kids
then started taking bids
when the snow and ice made her crazy

The snow so beautiful as it falls
Pristine and white, gently it calls
to the big plow trucks
who turn it to muck
Don't run your car into a dirty snow wall!

Luckily, it's a gorgeous out so we'll all go out to meet Willem from the bus this afternoon and get some fresh air and sunshine! I am so ready for this snow to melt! I don't even care if it's muddy! I want to leave the house without a jacket and hat and gloves! Easter only 6 days away and I'm losing hope that we'll see the ground!Anyway, have a Happy St. Patricks Day. Go Green, eat a salad and recycle something today...


Major Mom said...

Thanks for inviting me:) The Red Tent is one of my FAVORITE BOOKS! We can have a book swap, I have a ton of them I have read over the winter:)

Major Mom said...

ohhhh...and I just read the Other Boyelen Girl too:)