Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

or Harvest Day or All Hallow's Eve or 'Candy out the ying-yang Day' or whatever you want to call October 31st. I had fun last night dressing up for Bunco in my Viking costume where it impressed a new group of ladies. One bonus for moving often is getting to use my Viking helmet more than once... It does tend to make the neck sore though! Anyway, busy day of 'Harvest Day' activities at the school this afternoon. I'm not really sure what dressing up in costumes has to do with 'Harvest' but that's what they want to call it now. I'm not sure what changing the name is trying to accomplish when the activities stay the same. I guess when everything's watered down in this country, our children won't know what they're celebrating anymore. Maybe a 'Holiday' once a month where we have snacks and candy and make a non-descript hat and just celebrate being 'you' and your individuality and nothing bigger than yourself then nobody can be offended right? At least they're having a costume parade at school. I'm curious to see what Thanksgiving and Christmas will be called though. OK, not sure where all that came from because I love Halloween! Some of my greatest memories growing up were of my mom and older sisters helping us come up with (and make) costumes and carrying my pillowcase full of candy and searching for my younger sister's stash two weeks later when mine was long gone. Of course nothing compared to Christmas memories but fun anyway... Pictures to follow tomorrow after we trick-or-treat in the snow and mud!