Friday, October 24, 2008

I had a dalliance...

...with Facebook. I can't say I won't do it again because it was fun catching up with old friends and sending people pies, and flairs, and plants, but I'll try not to neglect my blog again. To make up, I finally gave it a new background! When I wasn't playing on facebook we actually got through another week. Nothing too exciting, which is a good thing around here!

BB was sick and stayed home from school on Tuesday while the twins were at hourly care. And I've been fighting a cold all week and feel like I'm losing today! LB got 'Fifth's Disease' and had a rash all over him on Wednesday but it didn't slow him down at all. And LG has a runny nose again too. I think BG is the only one who didn't have some health issue this week!

LB and LG have upped the two-year-old mischief this last week or so also, probably becuase I was less attentive and didn't give them any directed playing. Learned my lesson as you'll see in the pictures! While I hate to clean up the messes, it is fun to see them really starting to play together and interact with each other so much. They're definetely getting the teamwork thing down and really starting to talk! And I'm learning things about myself too in the process...

A sense of humor really helps, but I'm starting to wonder where the line is between laughing at a myself or a situation and actually going insane? But I know if I didn't use the 'humor band-aid' I would probably be a total mess and bawling all the time. This blog has been good for me in that way because it forces me to think of a positive spin on things instead of always the negative. So in my attempt to not bring other people down and still keep them informed about our lives, it's effectively giving me a better attitude too! Not that I have that much to complain about and I'm sure I'll do that sometimes too...

This is the first time I've been 'sick' since I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, so I realized how paranoid I am about my health now. More than the actual cold, the stress of wondering if it's something else is bothering me more. Every little twinge of pain or ache or swelling of glands or a day I'm really fatigued and I get paranoid about cancer growing everywhere. I know part of that is the psychology of waiting six months before I really know if the cancer is gone and also having a parent and a grandparent die of cancer, but I think I'll drive my doctor crazy in the meantime. And read my previous post a few more times to remind myself that God gives us strength for each day...

This next week will be six months down in J's deployment! So we're half done! Hard to believe, yet feels like longer since so much has happened the last few months! We're looking forward to his R&R in January sometime and hopefully we'll go someplace warm for a few days... I'm not looking forward to the cold and snow and I had better find some creative outlets for my little ones so we don't have another week like this past one. Here's the pictures of what happens when you leave 2 two year olds to their own devices for longer than five minutes. I blame it on Facebook, but obviously my own fault for not paying closer attention! Thank goodness for washable markers and Magic Erasers! I had wanted to post pics of our new wall colors, but not exactly in this way!


The Galingers on the Go (European Vacation) said...

Hey, I took a chance...I have been wanting to read your blog. Julia love it, but it's been private, but today I clicked on your facebook post and it took me to it. Love it and can't wait to read more.