Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Drama and hysterics

BG came home from school yesterday not feeling very well; sore throat, fever, tired. So I gave her Tylenol and put her in bed and she woke up fine this morning except she came in my room while she was getting dressed and said 'Mommy, I can't get this off of me." I look at her side and there's a big tick on her left side! As soon as I say, "we have to take this out," she starts crying and screaming and then she saw the tweezers! So, after moving her from two different bathrooms and finally to my bed, I'm trying to hold her still and take the tick out at the same time and of course just end up breaking it off without getting the whole thing out. We end up going to the ER in Carthage because her doctor couldn't see her and I was afraid I would hurt her if I tried holding her down again to get the rest! The girl can scream and thrash like nobody's business... It took another nurse holding her arms and head and me holding her lower body for the ER doc to get the rest out. It's times like this, that I wonder where kids get some of their personality traits. I mean, I've never been tortured or anything, but I would say I have a pretty high pain threshhold and I just want to tell her "I birthed you with no drugs, so buck up girl and get a grip, it's just tweezers!" And BB is just the opposite from her, he didn't say a peep even with the top of his head split open by a baseball bat, requiring 6 staples and then removal of staples a week later. I guess it's just another reminder of how they are all individuals and what works for one, certainly doesn't work for another. Sure keeps life interesting...


Kellee said...

Dylan is a wimp, Tyler let his dad pull not one, but two teeth with pliers and Jason is a mix. Really sometimes you just want to say suck it up, sometimes life hurts.

Molly said...

Hannah is just like Izzy. She had a splinter in her foot once and would not let me take it out. She screamed and screamed at the sight of the tweezers - I even tried having my Uncle hold her down. That didn't work and I never did get it out. It eventually worked itself out, I guess.

timsjojo said...

I have to say, it might be something about being restrained! I can take any sort of pain, as long as I can move. But I remember well,something about your parent coming at you with tweezers makes you want to flee.

Angie said...

Ok, Joe won't even let me cut his toe-nails without a fight. Can't imagine what he'd do if he had a tick!

Melissa said...

Well it rather sounds like Mom and Dads experiences with taking Cindy to the ER when she was a kid. Stitches and a stomache pumping. Required 4 adults holding her down plus being wrapped in the strait jacket thing. I really don't remember any of the rest of us being like that.