Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Kings 17:16

My Aunt sent this to my sister who passed it on to me. As usual, God's Word finds a way to those who need it:

Subject: I Kings 17:16
"The jar of meal was not spent, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the Lord which he spoke by Elijah" (1 Kings 17: 16)

The widow at Zarephath had given up all hope and only wished to die. But God taught her to walk by faith, and this changed everything. God, however, helped her only one day at a time. He did not place at her disposal a storehouse from which to draw supplies. Each day she scraped the jar of meal to the last particle and drained the last drop from the cruse of oil. But the next day she again received what she needed. The widow had to learn to live one day at a time.

We, too, need to learn this lesson, otherwise we will sooner or later suffer a nervous breakdown. Each day brings new demands - but also new strength. The strength we receive, however, will be sufficient only for that one day. If we take upon ourselves the cares and worries of days to come, the strength will not be sufficient.

Often we may feel extremely weary when evening comes, and we drain the last drop from our cruse of oil. We dare not think of the demands that await us on the morrow.

Nor should we think of these. In peace let us lie down to rest, thanking God for the day that is past; and when morning dawns, God will provide us with a new supply of stength.

Elijah's God is the same today. Think of the widow of Zarephath and take courage.

taken from: REST A WHILE by Wisloff


timsjojo said...

Yeah, that's where I'm at these days. Remembering that God has in the past and will in the future work things out for His people. And so thankful here for the love of family and friends...

Rachel said...

We so need to be reminded of that. "take no thought for the morrow" and knowing that God is already there and has it all orchestrated already. How reassuring is that!!