Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Praise God!

He does listen to and answer prayer! My body scan went really well today and there is just residual radiation left in my neck. Doctors can't say for sure if all the cancer or thyroid tissue is gone until the radiation completely fades so it will be another six months until my next scan, but it looks very promising and is much smaller and lighter than my scan six months ago. So, I'm going to go with the assumption that I'm cancer-free for the moment 'cause I'm a glass half full kind of gal (mostly)! And it definetely hasn't grown at all or spread anywhere else... So, a weight is lifted off my shoulders and now I can get back to taking it off the rest of my body with the help of some thyroid hormones again... Will also be seeing an ENT to check out my voice issues.

Now I have to get LG into the doctor. She hasn't been acting herself the last few days and I thought it was just because she's had to go to daycare so much this last week, but she had a fever when I picked her up today and is starting to cough and runny nose again. Seems to be the way it works around here. One person gets healthy just in time for the next one to fall ill...

Anyway, thanks again, everyone for your thoughts and prayers and generosity throughout this last year. I appreciate and thank God for every one of you!


Misty Alejo said...

That's wonderful news Megan... Congratulations!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad to hear that, we'll keep you in our prayers still.