Sunday, March 29, 2009

The last couple of days

have been a blessing and a challenge for us! I was truly blessed by attending the OSC Women's Conference on Friday and Saturday! It was a great time with a fun bunch of ladies. My friend at Where are They Now also had great things to say and actually got some pictures on her blog. I'm not feeling that ambitious, but I did enjoy the classes I took, like: Meditation, Decorative painting, Nutrition, Pottery for the Soul, How to Make a T-shirt Bag(very cool), and self defense. It was a great learning experience and I can't wait until next year's conference! I'm especially excited to learn about a sculpture class this summer with the pottery instructor using locally 'harvested' 1000 Islands, New York clay! It's our goal to collect a piece of artwork in each place we live (I have to go back for a couple of them), and I think it would be great to have a piece I made myself from local materiels. Not that I'm a great sculptor or anything, but it is nice to pound on a piece of clay!

Anyway, the challenging part was leaving the kids in hourly care for three days in a row and then dealing with tired, whiney kids afterwards! And me feeling like I'm moving through maple syrup all day. So, we didn't make it to church again today and it was raining and I didn't feel up to hauling them out and about to the Maple Weekend festivities at many of the local maple farms. So we stayed home and I did laundry ALL day long and there's still more... I also had to come up with a few creative ideas for getting their daily chores done because I was tired of just telling them 16 times what to do. So, we made a little game and that helped for the main chores and 15 minutes in their rooms this afternoon. Then a trip to WalMart to get boards for the Science Fair projects due on Thursday. Luckily I was one kid shy of my usual load (BG was with a friend) or we wouldn't have made it out of there with anything. The littles were SO NAUGHTY and BB was not much help at all! I'm having problems with transporting through stores right now. I can't push the stroller and cart at the same time and they can get out of any cart seat made and then LG wants to walk and starts to get out and LB won't stay seated and they're both grabbing things off the shelves and the checkout is the worst of course! AAAGH! Of course the answer is to just not bring them, but sometimes I don't have another option, at least not for another 45 days or so! Yay!

So, the littles are going to have another couple of long days at the daycare while I get my radiation pills tomorrow and body scan on Tuesday down in Syracuse. I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing, but will be happy to have it done and know one way or the other if the cancer is gone or if I need another radiation treatment. And I'll be very happy to get back on the Synthroid and get a bit of energy back. Either way, it will be done and I can stop thinking about it for a while. I'm sure everyone's getting as tired of hearing about my health as I am thinking and talking about it. I'll have to come up with some other scintillating topics to talk about! Won't that be refreshing!?