Thursday, March 19, 2009

On the lighter side

my kids are full of mischief as always, but at least we can laugh about it (mostly). I thought it was LB who figured out the 'fridge lock but it was LG! I caught her in the act with a chair next to it a little bit ago. LB usually gets blamed for everything! So... it was she who pulled the bag of shredded cheese out yesterday morning while I was trying to get ready for the gym and then they both decided to eat it all up and down the hallway and in the living room. Nothing like finely shredded cheese in the carpet. I let it dry a little before vacuuming and it came right up, but still! And speaking of food out. I left the syrup on the counter after pancakes on Saturday and while I was clearing the table I happened to glance in the kitchen and LB had unscrewed the cap and was downing the syrup straight from the bottle! yuck! I caught him at the first drink and before he decided to dump it elsewhere... In between the mess making they are playing very nice together and seperately. LB loves Legos and will make guns and airplanes and boats for hours. They tried to take them from him at daycare the other day, as they are supposed to be for the 4 and up kids, and he threw such a fit they let him play with them anyway. LG will sit and read books or play dollhouse quietly for a long time. Of course, this is all to give me a chance to clean up before the next mess...
BB is happy the sun was shining this week and has been running around without a jacket the last few days and heading to the woods. He can't wait until daddy is home to go out with him. New rule for his outside play is he HAS to take a walky-talky with him, as I cannot yell for him to come in anymore and the walking around the neighborhood clapping my hands gets a bit old!
Things with our BG have been a bit more challenging lately with finding a way to motivate her to help out and discipline when she won't, which is often... I don't really like to use food as incentives, BUT, the going to bed without dessert while her brother ate his seemed to make an impact after two nights in a row of not doing her 10 minutes of cleanup in her room. Third night, she got it done! Our challange with her is finding something she actually cares about enough to take away, and sweets it is... I would probably get a lot more done if someone threatened my sweets too! She is doing wonderfully at school though, so can't complain too much... I'll post pictures as soon as I get my new camera figured out!


Molly said...

Liam is pulling some of the same antics as your little ones. I only have one to watch - I can't imagine two!!!! You are a wonderful (and patient) mom!