Monday, May 12, 2008


Before J left, I told him not to bother with the gas mower and that I didn't want to mess with it. I have an old fashioned reel mower that I got when I was sick of the dust in Arizona constantly clogging the gas mower. It worked great there with the mostly bermuda grass and rocks. So I finally brought it out on Friday to mow the jungle in the back yard... Not so easy. It took forever to push it through the thick, lush, 6 inch grass on much of the yard. I finally gave up on the last strip. So I woke up Saturday with a very sore neck and the yard still not done. After some motrin, I got out the weedeater and finished the last part then went over the yard with the mower again. Much easier the second time over! I think if I don't let it get so high next time, it shouldn't be so hard. I do know how to service the gas mower if it comes to that... Anyway, I'm really proud of BB and how much he's been helping me. He helped rake up the grass (and would have mowed if he could) and then helped put the grass in bags and dragged a bag across the street to dump the clippings in the woodline. He's getting to be such a big boy but it's hard for me to believe he's going to be 7 in a few weeks! He was a big help last night too getting LB to go to sleep. He read to him and then slept on the bottom bunk bed with him. I actually got to sleep in the middle of my bed until 4:00 am when LB woke up pounding on his bedroom door...