Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting into our Routine and Keeping Clean

Well, it's been almost three weeks since J has left. It has gone by fast thus far, but at the same time it feels like he's been gone 3 months! We're settling into a routine of sorts. Except for some sleep issues and BB and BG being a little more prone to melt downs the kids are doing great, considering. As I mentioned earlier, I started going to the gym MWF mornings. They have great child care set up there for the twins and BG, so I get an hour to sweat some of this excess away. Tuesday and Thursday, they all go to Hourly Care for a few hours and I get some time to run and do errands and have lunch with friends, etc... I'm working on getting my 'house' routine in too. The bigger kids are getting much better at doing their pickup in the afternoons and LG and LB even like to help with throwing their diapers away and putting their shoes away and their clothes in the laundry. So, if the house looks halfway decent for about 5 minutes then I've accomplished something! Does it look better than my house growing up? Yes! Do I still have a long way to go? Yes! Intellectually, I know what needs to be done and even how to do it. Having the discipline to actually do it seems to be the issue with me. My sister and I were talking about the things we think about while cleaning and it's always negative thoughts and stewing about problems! I think J has learned not to start a conversation with me while I'm washing dishes... Probably some association with how our childhood home got cleaned (or not). Anyway, if you have some suggestions on making it a more positive experience, send them my way...


Major Mom said...

My idea--Her name is Tracy. She comes once a week and I pay her 45$ She is so worth it:) Oh, and I got my nose pierced I chickened on the lip. Didn't hurt at all, and I look soooooo awesome:) At least I think I do...

Kellee said...

I like Major Mom and have never met her. I am going to need Tracy's number.