Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Too smooth...

Things were going too smoothly the last couple of days since John has been gone. So I shook things up with a trip to Target with all the kids. Babies were not napping well today and Rohan finally fell asleep around 4 which is too late if I want to get him to bed at night. So after Willem got home from school we loaded up to get one more game for the Wii. As soon as we get in there, I usually make them go to the bathroom, but both W & I denied needing to go, so we went and got me some coffee and a couple of cookies for everyone to share from Starbucks. Went and looked around, took forever in the toy department and had to wait for someone to unlock the games. Rohan woke up when we got there and was a little fussy in the cart, but easily distracted by toys and a couple of tiny sips of my coffee. So we get the game and W says he has to go to the bathroom really bad and Iz does too. So we're going as quickly as we can all the way back to the front of the store and we're almost there when I almost slip on something wet... I look down and Rohan is throwing up all over the himself, the double seat cart and Josie sitting across from him! So we drip the rest of the way to the bathroom where I get him and Josie cleaned up as good as we can, come back out, transfer carts, pay for our stuff, apologize profusely for our mess and head home. He only threw up once on the way home and once as soon as we got home and he had a little drink of water. Other than the vomiting, he seems fine and is jumping around as usual. Towels in his bed and we'll see how the night goes. So sad that this is what I consider excitement...


timsjojo said...

I feel for the little guy, I ate a potato at Wendy's today and have felt yuck ever since. Do you ever try activated charcoal for sick stomachs? Its how I keep from sleeping in the bathroom. Cuz I just hate to puke. Have you heard from John? BTW I just read a biography,Hacker Cracker.Its about a kid from NYC and I'm scared to use my puter now!!Getting random, must get to bed, love the Sunshine In song.