Wednesday, April 2, 2008

LG's Inner Beast

LG is cutting a few teeth and has decided to release her inner beast... The last few days our sweet, smiley girl has still been pretty sweet... until she doesn't get her way... I think I'm almost deaf from the shrieking! She woke up at 4:00 yesterday morning and would not be consoled and didn't want to lay with us, so I brought her out to the living room where she climbed up on the couch, sucked her thumb for a few minutes and then went in the kitchen and pointed to the refridgerator. After some yogurt, she went back to bed and then every other child in the house filed into our room one at a time between 4:30 and 6:00. So glad we have our old queen sized bed in BG's room... When our bed fills up, I move to the secondary. Anyway, LG had a little bit better day today although still a bit grumpy when LB has something she wanted or I didn't move fast enough getting her a snack. At least she wasn't throwing herself on the floor and screaming like yesterday! Hope this doesn't last long...


Major Mom said...

I should have come over for breakfast. Charlie was up at 2:30 FOR THE DAY:(((