Monday, April 7, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

After this weekend this place isn't looking so bad! Gorgeous weather. Started out rainy Friday and Saturday but warm enough to melt a lot of snow and then yesterday around 65 degrees. BB was in the back yard with no shirt on complaining that he was hot! Showing off... Anyway, Saturday we went and picked up a grill and sandbox (we'll see how that goes, never had one before) to go with my Adirondack chairs I
put together last week. I still need to paint them, but very comfy around the fire bowl. We kind of got a late start Saturday, so we didn't get everything put together and food on the grill until about 8:30, but the kids had a blast playing in the back yard, digging in the mud and throwing croquet balls. I even got a little pink from being in the sun! Yesterday was even more beautiful, out in T-shirts, LB and BB ran around barefoot in the back yard (all of LB's shoes were wet and I can't find rubber boots for him) and they all played in the sandbox and we grilled again. No bugs yet either so it was perfect eating outside conditions. We're hoping the weather is this great for the next couple of weeks before J has to leave. Maybe it will help keep the gloomies away as we prepare for his departure...