Monday, April 28, 2008

Army family

I need to brag on my neighbors and friends a little bit, ok maybe a lot... We saw John off yesterday afternoon, well mostly. We didn't wait for him to get on the bus, but hung out with him for a couple of hours during weapons draw and moving gear to the motorpool etc... We've never been big on the sitting around moping before a departure (usually a stop by the curb, kick out the door, quick hug & kiss, I love you, be safe, bye!) but this time we did it as long as the kids were happy. After a while the babies were whining and it was time to go. So he is on his way. Now back to the bragging part: There was dinner waiting on our porch when we got back, neighbors coming over to offer their help and support and the help of their husbands for any 'heavy work', sweet cards and comments in my email inbox, two friends from down the street brought cupcakes and a bottle of wine and a nice chat, and a call from our FRG leader just to make sure I was doing ok. So far I'm doing ok, ask me again in a week or so... Anyway, thank you, thank you everyone for the love and support! I know it's only day one, but it is such a comfort to me to know that if I need anything there are a dozen people around me who would gladly offer a hand or a shoulder or an ear (sounds like I'm going to start amputating, hopefully I won't need a kidney or anything). I appreciate the support and the prayers from everyone!


Kellee said...

Hey let's plan a low fat lunch every week, okay who cars about the low fat part, but let's figure out a day for lunch and stick with it.

M said...

I'm up for that!

Molly said...

Have a Maragrita with lunch - I'm there in spirit!!!