Monday, November 17, 2008

Why is it...

that when you're at your worst something occurs to make the maintenance man show up at your door? I was so embarrassed tonight that I didn't even mention the mess! So the to do list I published last week was started and therein lies part of the problem... I have three projects started and none completed and the rest of the house has fallen to pieces in the meantime. Plus the pictures I took out from that moment of distraction and didn't put away because I have to move the storage chest they were in to make room for the elliptical trainer sitting in the middle of my living room because I couldn't get it into my bedroom, plus the vaccuum cleaner sitting at the ready for the cereal the twins 'shared' with the carpet just before dinner, plus the mess from dinner, plus the mountain of laundry in the laundry room and toys scattered everywhere. It's only moments like this that the bathtubs fill with brown water. At least they got here quick! Apparantly my water heater was set to 'warm' and I'm to let it get hot and hopefully clear out the sediment, if not call them back in the morning. I guess I can at least vacuum...


Major Mom said...

I was wondering what that was about, I forgot to ask you this morning. Don't worry, those poor maintenance men have probably seen it all.

M said...

I forgot to mention the kids were all naked except for Willem since they were ready to get into the bath!