Thursday, August 28, 2008


OK, I've been putting off thinking about my upcoming treatment, and it's time to stop! I had my initial scan Mon/Tues and the results were nothing unexpected, however, I'm going to need a rather large amount of radioactive iodine to 'oblete' any thyroid tissue left. The treatment itself is not bad, but the kicker is I have to stay in isolation at the hospital in Syracuse for 48 hours so I don't 'contaminate' others. So I'm stressing about what to do with my children for 2-3 days while I sit in the hospital. It's not that I don't have options, I do. I've got great friends and neighbors and family and FRG to help me. I just can't seem to make any kind of decisions and I hate being in the position of needing to ask for or accept help. So, I'm going to pray about the situation today and hopefully come to some peace and humbleness about needing help.

Other than that, we've been busy, busy this week getting some stuff done. While we were in Syracuse we went to the State Fair Monday afternoon after my appointment and had fun looking at the animals (favorites were the rabbits and feeding the giraffes) and the midway of course! There must be something about a mom with a bunch of kids that compels people to give us stuff. Somebody gave us some ride coupons at the fair and when we went to the Renaissance Festival with J somebody gave us a bunch of entrance tickets! Maybe I'm just projecting neediness right now... Thank you kind strangers.

In the house niece E has big a huge help with organizing projects. We got the office area done last week, the laundry room done Sunday and we painted the living room and one wall in the kitchen yesterday! As soon as I get my camera working I'll post some pictures, but I love green walls! Preparing for a long cold winter doesn't seem so bad with some brightness in the house...

We met BG's teacher yesterday and she showed her stubborn/shy streak right off the bat. She refused to draw the picture of herself. Later, when I asked her why she said she didn't want to mess it up. Too much pressure already! We also found out BB has Mr. Webb which is what I was hoping for him. I think he needs someone who is 'nice but doesn't put up with any nonsense,' which is how he is described. And a good teacher too...

So, another appointment tomorrow back in Syracuse, then relax for the weekend and E is leaving us on Monday. I'm not really looking forward to that! She's been wonderful with the kids and helping around the house. Between her and babysitter Melissa, my family has been really blessed this summer!


Kellee said...

Megan, please let us help. I know how hard it is to ask, but we are here for you and we can help you thru this tough time. You are not alone.

Hey should we do lunch next week? I can't on Thursday unless we do it really early.

Molly said...

Thinking of you, Meagan! We will keep you in our prayers, since we are not there to offer help. I know how hard it is to ask people for help, but you have a lot of great friends up there that are really ready to help.

timsjojo said...

Love your green walls, Elo showed me pics.