Saturday, August 23, 2008

Search and Destroy

It struck me as funny that the Radioactive Iodine I'm to recieve on Monday is called a 'search' dose. Basically, it's to find where in my body any remaining thyroid tissue/cancer is located and from that they will determine what I'll refer to as the 'destroy' dose. Which will do as indicated and kill any remaining thyroid tissue. At least that's the plan.

In other news:

I've been meaning to post about the twins turning two but I'm having problems with my camera and the computer not wanting to recognize it anymore. As soon as I fix that problem, we'll have a birthday update.

And speaking of computers, I, yes me, all by myself, installed a wireless PCI adapter into the old computer for the kids to use. Only took me a couple of hours and then when I get to the part of actually connecting to the internet the computer decides it doesn't like it and shuts down... Any advice? It was acting funny and doing that sort of thing prior to installing the new hardware so maybe reloading Windows will help (not that I've ever done that before). And I did get all my pics off it prior to messing with the insides...

E and I also organized and rearranged the 'office' area in preparation for school starting. I wanted a spot the kids will actually use and we were overrun by arts and craft supplies...

A couple of other organizing projects planned (laundry room, aaahhh!) for next week along with doctors appointments and then school will be starting! I think we're all ready for it!


Major Mom said...

we are doing the school countdown here!!! wooohoooo!