Friday, August 8, 2008

another health update

I meant to post a little before I went to the hospital yesterday, just to let everyone know that J made it home on Wednesday and my niece got in Tuesday night. We went to pick her up in Syracuse and decided to stay down there just in case J came in the next day, and he did! And we got some school shopping done too!

So I had the rest of my thyroid removed yesterday without any problems. I'll see the doc on Monday to get stitches out and discuss the next step in my cancer treatment. In the meantime, he told me to prepare to feel 'lousy' since I will have no thyroid hormones for the next several weeks at least. joy.

But on the brighter side, thanks to everyone for your cards and phonecalls and positive thoughts and prayers and meals and help with kids. I know they are helping! and I do appreciate every one of them even if I haven't called to tell you so!


Misty Alejo said...

Oh my gosh Megan. I was gone to Colorado for almost a week and didn't read your blog until now. I can't believe it all! I hope you are recovering well... I am SO glad John got to come home and take care of you. Alex and I are praying for you. I wish we were closer together! Love, Misty

Kellee said...


So glad you feel well enough to give us an update. I have been thinking of you. I will call on Saturday to check on you and the family. So happy John made it home so quickly.

Major Mom said...

GLad to hear things went well. Hope to see you out and about soon. What an awesome blessing to have your family there to help.