Tuesday, July 29, 2008

VBS or Last Minute Day Care

Before I went to my appt yesterday I had to find some childcare for my kids and was striking out on all my trusted sources. One of my friends mentioned that Vacation Bible School just started at the Chapel (about a mile from us)at 9:00. So this is 9:30, kids are still in pjs and BB hasn't eaten breakfast yet and my appointment is at 10:15 in Carthage (20 minutes away). Guess what kids, you get to go to VBS this week! (I was hoping they would get to go to one this summer) They got dressed in record time, ate a muffin in the car and we got over there about 9:45 and got them registered. BG was a bit reluctant to join the class until she saw her friends were there and then it was 'see you later Mom.' I think everywhere else we've gone to VBS they've done Catholic and Protestant together, but not here. So, they're going to Catholic VBS (I'm sure it will be pretty identical to Protestant VBS with maybe a little less whoopin' and hollerin') this week which I think works out pretty good since most of their friends are Catholic. And while I feel a slight tinge of guilt for using VBS as a last minute babysitter, I am happy to have found out about it in time and they get to go learn more about Jesus, which can't be a bad thing... Time to go pick them up!


Major Mom said...

HEEHEEHEEHEE...I love it. It is good for them too:)