Thursday, July 31, 2008

Some women...

...will do anything to get their husbands home from Iraq... I'm thinking cancer might do the trick. In all seriousness, I would much rather he come home on his scheduled R&R so we could actually have some fun and relax, but I saw my doctor on Thursday and the pathology report for my thyroid and the tumor on it was cancerous. He explained that of the three types of cancer, mine is the least aggressive, easiest to treat and was very positive that it wasn't 'too serious.' But, he does want to remove the remainder of my thyroid next Thursday and then I will take radioactive iodine to kill any remaining thyroid/cancer cells. Most likely no further treatment will be necessary (oh, except synthetic thyroid hormone the rest of my life, but I can deal with that).

I guess I wasn't too surprised by the results since I knew the nodule grew pretty quickly, so I was kind of expecting the worst. I'm more worried about the logistics of having surgery again, but have faith that God will provide everything I need as He has done in the past. J is trying to get back before Thursday, my niece is coming to stay with us on Tuesday and will be a great help with the kids and we are blessed with wonderful friends and neighbors here.


Major Mom said...

Holy cow Megan. Please know I am here for whatever you need. You can borrow super nanny anytime too if you need her. I will be praying for you, John's travels and wisdom for the doctors in treating you. God is our greatest physician and He will not leave you. Prayers going up.

Molly said...

We are thinking of you and praying for you. I have a girlfriend that had thyroid cancer and had to have her's removed. She is on synthroid. I am on synthroid too - my thyroid quit working after I had Jack. It is a pretty easy fix. Will be saying some extra prayers for you this week.

Julia said...

Oh Megan,you are in our prayers! I wish I could help from here but I know you are in good hands.Keep us posted how everything is going!!