Sunday, June 29, 2008

Maybe writing about it

will drive the funk away, 'cause I'm sick of it already. I consider myself a pretty happy, even tempered person for the most part, but this past week I've been tired, grumpy, sad, lonely, unenergetic, can't get anything done, stuck in a rut, moping about my health, funky. J's been gone for just over 2 months now and I guess it's finally sinking in he'll still be gone a lot longer! A lot of people say once you're past the first six weeks it gets easier, but I think it's the opposite for me... I can handle six weeks on my own, it's the next 12 months I don't like! But, we'll be busy this summer once I can get us going. I just have a lot to do in the next couple of weeks and the lack of energy is bringing me down. Now that I got that out here's what else has been going on around here lately:

BB is finally done with first grade! He is so happy to be done with school for a while. His report card looked pretty good with his big strength in math and reading improved a lot. Like most of the boys in my family, he excels in art! He received an award for excellence in art. I know, first grade, how good can it be? A little bit biased as his mother, but I think his drawings are awesome and always include tons of detail.

BG is still going to hourly care twice a week with the twins, so BB and I got some time together on Thursday. We went to the mall and got the van serviced at Sears so we could go play at the arcade and look at puppies and rabbits and iguanas at the pet store (don't worry, Honey, they all stayed at the store) and then we went to Friendly's for lunch which BB thought was the best meal ever. I guess they all need a little spoiling sometimes...

LG and LB have been talking a lot more the last couple of weeks. LB was funny this morning when I yelled for BG, he yelled 'Belle', and for BB he says 'Lolo' and LG is 'Sisi'. LG calls him 'Rowo' and Belle and Wowo. I'll post a little video of LG saying a few words.

On Friday night, I decided to take them all out to dinner to Ruby Tuesdays and then go buy a tent for our travels this summer (I'll detail that another day). They were great in the restaurant except for a little outburst by LB when BG wouldn't give him her toy. For the most part they got smiles from the people sitting around us, but a few folks wanted to give us the 'how dare you bring 4 children into a restaurant by yourself' look. Can I say I'm sick of fast food and eating in the car when we go out? I think I just decided I'm not waiting a whole year to eat out with my family...

I can hear the helicopters outside now for the airshow going on. We went yesterday and that actually helped improve my mood! I love airshows! I could stay all day and not get tired of the same tricks over and over! However, my children had other ideas. BB watched for a little while and then was more interested in the bounce house and wanted to check out the paintball and all the other 'activities' set up. BG could care less if there were airplanes doing cool stuff. She pulled her chair out and sat at every opportunity. LB got a little excited about the helicoptors but really wanted to run around and LG didn't like the noise at all! So after watching the 10th MTN Air Assault (made me miss the Army, more specifically Army helicoptors, for about 10 seconds) and a couple other cool stunt planes with our friends, we decided we were done. On our way out we stopped at the C-130 and the cloud that was coming towards us opened up with a huge downpour! BB and BG were inside the C-130, but I couldn't get in with the stroller so I parked it partially under the belly of the plane and the engine and the babies stayed dry. I was the only one soaked, but BB and BG thought I had left them in the plane and when the rain stopped they were with a crew member looking for me! I'm so proud they did the right thing when they thought they were lost, but sad that they thought I lost them.

So, here's a few pics from the last couple of weeks. I've been trying to get a good picture of them all together so I can make something for J, with not much luck...


Molly said...

Hang in there, Megan! Month 2-3 are always hard for me too. The anxiety of them leaving has passed, and the days just seem to drag on (and on and on), especially when you are doing the same thing day in and day out (i.e taking care of the kids and everything else). It will get better and you will get into a good routine. I am thinking about you!