Wednesday, February 27, 2008

cute stuff

I'm not very good at remembering all the cute things (I think they are) my kids say and do, so I thought I would put a few recent ones down here. I haven't jumped on the scrapbooking bandwagon (cute as it is) and journals look pretty sitting on my shelves. Anyway, a couple of things said recently in our house:

BG: "Two-bite cupcakes are four bites for me. I counted!"
BB: : "Can I have a tambourine? Me: "A what?" BB: "A tambourine, you know that you peel" M: "ooooh, a tangerine!"
LB: "rraaaarrr" He likes to peek around your chair and try to scare you...
LB: "mama, tatu" (translation: thank you)

BG: "Nicky is my best friend" (he's a boy across the street).
BB: "He can't be your best friend because your best friend has to be in your family" (just a little jealousy since Nicky is so nice to Isabelle)

I guess BB doesn't feel big families are weird:
BB: "mommy, were you a lonely child?"
M: "do you mean only child"
BB: "yeah, only child. did you have any other little kids in your house when you were little?"
M: "yes, I had Aunty M., Aunty C., Uncle J., Aunty K., and Uncle J"
BB: "I think we should have 2 more kids in our house so we can be like yours"
(keep dreaming little man...)