Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lots of little random stuff

Well, since my computer was choked up with viruses for a couple of weeks, I haven't really been on here to update like I wanted so here's a bunch of random things from the last couple of weeks starting with Thanksgiving!

We had a traditional 'Army' Thanksgiving spent with our friends the Clarks after wondering if we would make it out of our driveway from all the snow the night before and all that day! So glad we made it and enjoyed spending the time with friends who treat us like family. Had a little trouble getting out of their driveway but the roads were clear on the way home and we were all content and thankful and ready to start the Christmas season...

the next morning the littles and BG went to hourly care while BB and I did some Christmas shopping and managed to get most of it done in one trip! I've picked up a few more things here and there but for the most part have avoided the crowds and busyness which is a good thing since I've been sick or babies have been coughing for the last 3 weeks! During a lull in the illnesses, I got some Christmas lights up on the house and we put a big tree outside by the front door and a Christmas 'bush' inside the house 'cause we can't fit a full size tree... It was fun decorating with the kids and pulling out all the old ornaments from my childhood and the ones they've recieved since they were babies. BG was really interested and kept asking where each one came from and excited to put them on the tree, I think she's taken half of them off the tree since then and played with them all over the house, which is probably not a bad thing since LB has knocked the 'bush' over twice.

In health news, I started seeing a different endocrinologist for my thyroid care and she questioned how my primary care manager and surgeon went about diagnosing and treating the thyroid cancer. That's never a comforting conversation finding that things could have been done in a more efficient, possibly less painful manner. And whether doctors mean to do it or not, they definetly use our fear to get what they want. Anyway, lessons learned, less trust on my part, internet research is my friend, and don't be afraid to get a second or third opinion... Also, got my thyroid hormone increased so maybe I'll get that at the right level sometime soon and feel like a whole new person, right!

Ken doesn't stand a chance, GI Joe gets all the girls in our household... even a Navy Seal one...

In sleep news, we've all been disfunctional the last few weeks. There have been a few nights where I've woken up laying across the foot of my bed while my little angels are all across the top! Thank God for king size beds. I've also moved to another bed in the house when I get pushed off...

And probably the best news in a while, LB decided he wants to use the toilet so we've been working on that the last two weeks. LG not interested at all, so I'll give her a month or two just like with most other stuff, she seems to follow him by about two months. I think the only reason she was born first is because LB kicked her out!

Other than that we've spent some nice times with friends decorating gingerbread houses and BB's Christmas concert and BG and I went to see a local production of The Nutcracker today. It seems to have become a tradition as this is the fourth year in a row we've gone, just in a different city each time. So far my favorite was in Portland, OR and the kids enjoyed the 'Southwest Nutcracker' in Tucson, AZ because they had coyotes instead of mice. I've got a lot to do tomorrow so we can leave to spend Christmas in New Jersey with Pop-pop and Mom-mom Adams and the rest of J's family. Only one missing will be J... We were trying to figure out how many Christmases we've actually been together (because we like to wallow in our depression) and it came out to be only four Christmases apart in 14 years, unfortunately all of them since we've had kids. LG has only had one Christmas with Daddy that she remembers and that was last year! Before that, even though we weren't always stationed together, we managed to see each other over the holidays usually by one or the other of us flying to Korea... OK, need to stop dwelling on it. And this is getting quite lengthy and now that my right arm (computer) is reattached I won't have to save it up!


Kellee said...

Thanks again for risking your life and the lives of your adorable children to celebrate Thanksgiving. Hope your Christmas trip is loads of fun.

Angie said...

I love the picture of the dolls! GI Joe is hot! Check out that six pack! No wonder he gets all the girls.

M said...

I think it's his tatoo and fully articulated joints... What Ken can compete with that?