Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I love this age...

the twins are at now! Three and a half and they make me laugh every day in wonder at the things they come up with and how their little minds work and I'm really enjoying their company. Maybe because they have each other to talk to and play with, it takes a little of the pressure off me to keep them occupied and interested in whatever game they are playing. LB likes to hand me a sword (be it a stick or a straw or any other sword shaped thing) and sword fight but then runs off and finds LG or big brother to play with also. He can play with his playmobil guys for hours at a time and I love listening to the stories he makes up for them. He and LG played in the bathtub for 2hours this afternoon making stuff up with playmobil guys, barbies and polly pockets. They had a couple of merpeople so I heard him ask "where are you mermommy, your merbaby is here?" "Let's go in our mercastle now." He does like to be specific in his wording. And LG is quick to have an answer for him although she likes to tease him too, with an answer she knows he won't agree with or pretending to 'sleep' complete with snoring, when he wants her character to do something...

BB and BG are at a great age now too, not that I didn't like them at other ages, but they are getting more independent all the time and they have been a big help with the littles since J has been gone again the last couple of months. They are both doing great in school and just brought home their report cards last week with no major issues. Both are liking reading now and BB is starting to read books that I like too! I read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (except the last one) before I let him have them, just because I liked them and didn't want to be interrupted! They both want to be outside now that there is no snow on the ground and I have a hard time getting them to do their chores and homework first, mainly because I want to be outside too!

A 'conversation' came up today on facebook about falling short as a parent and how we think other people are doing so much better than we are as parents. And it was refreshing to see people confessing their shortcomings in that area and realizing that there are no perfect parents out there. And if you think you're perfect, just ask your kids! I can certainly say that there are so many days that I feel like a failure to my kids because they ate cereal for dinner... again, or I don't read to them or play with them enough or discipline consistenly enough or sometimes have to call 3 different houses to locate my 8 year old or I'm not teaching them to pick up after themselves or my LB isn't potty trained yet or I yelled at them for no reason or they spent too much time with a babysitter this week or it's 10 pm and none of them are asleep yet or... the list goes on and on and on... but God is the one perfect parent and He trusted us with these precious lives and even gave instructions for raising them in His Word and lets me know that I'm not alone and if I will but trust in Him, He will give me the strength every day to try again. I often pray 'thank you God for these beautiful children but please help me not to ruin them!' So next time you're feeling like everyone else is a better parent, just take a look at my list up there and know that many others have one just like it, whether they admit it or not!


Rachel said...

Thanks for posting again. I love reading your blog. It's encouraging for me to read about others (especially family) who are sharing this special job of raising up children for the Lord. The last time I saw your Mom in the hospital in Fresno she was very weak and could hardly talk, but hugged me and said, "just make sure you raise your baby(ies) in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. That's all that matters." I've thought of that often since then. What a responsibility, but oh what a privilege as well!