Sunday, August 23, 2009

I got a little teary eyed...

the first few plays of the game today! I wasn't expecting watching BB play football for the first time to be such an emotional experience. He just looked so big (he's one of the biggest on his team) and serious and focused and not at all like my little blond clown that he was a few short years ago when he first played soccer. I do think J is right that football is unlike any other sport. There are just so many different things going on at once that require everyone to do their job correctly for the whole team to succeed and I must say that our team was very successful today! Our coaches deserve a lot of credit as it's not easy teaching 32 7-9 year olds, many like BB whom have never played before, and getting them to work together. Anyway, after the initial emotional overload, it was a great day watching them play all the other teams in the league who they will meet on the field in the coming weeks. Thankfully, it was overcast for most of the day or we would have been pretty miserable watching with the other three munchkins. The part I don't really appreciate is the long drawn out closing ceremony when everyone is tired and ready to go home...

Other than football every evening, we've been enjoying the warm summer weather! Finally enough sunshine for me although the humidity the last couple of days has kept a lot of people indoors! The littles had their pre-school classes out at the pond/park this week so we spent a little bit of time out there and watched LB be a big stinker to his teachers. He was not happy coming out of the water and let them know it! He's been very independent lately and gave us a scare when we told him to go get in the bath with BG and LG and he went to the other bathroom and started his own instead. He did do it correctly and the water temp was fine, but still scary. He has also made a couple of little 'pools' in the back yard with the hose and his hands and will play out there for hours with his guys and sticks and rocks and he has to take his clothes off too! I just put sunscreen on him before he's dressed... Luckily, we're not too concerned about how the back yard looks right now with half of it needing to be reseeded anyway.

We also did a lot of running around last week getting kids registered for a new school, picking up school supplies and clothes and back and forth to a couple of doctors for me. It was nice to be able to do that now without having to pick J up for lunch or drop him off in the morning since we found a car for him! We've had just one car for a about 6 years, but J's been gone for over half of that so it didn't make sense for us to have a car sit in the driveway, but now with kids activities and all the appointments I need to get to it's been pretty inconvenient running back and forth... Anyway, we found a 97 Pontiac Grand Prix at the right price that runs pretty good even if it has a bit of rust. Hard to find a used vehicle around here that doesn't have rust!

I did get to see a pulmonoligist this week and a checkup with my new primary care manager. The lung doc is fairly certain the hormones (bc pills) were the cause of the blood clot in my leg back in May, which broke off in small pieces and moved to my lungs. His prognosis is I will be on Warfarin for at least six months, re-evaluate then and after I'm off I'll have some specialized bloodwork done to see if I have some other clotting disorder. Still a lot of swelling in my right leg probably due to some damage to the blood vessel or a valve. The compression stocking is helping as long as I put it on first thing in the morning before it starts swelling. And I am feeling tons better although still not much stamina. I got the go ahead to start exercising again so looking forward to at least walking! Guess I won't be running a half-marathon later this fall as we planned on... I was lamenting that I haven't been able to run this whole summer when the weather's been nice and soon enough it will be snowing and I really don't enjoy cold weather running. Thankfully, since I'm still alive, I'll look forward to it next year! And we live right down the street from the gym with free childcare now, so no excuses this winter!

There was another post-wide yardsale yesterday and we managed to get rid of a few things. A couple of things I'm going to put on Craigslist and the rest is going to the Urban Mission. Slowly getting the house put together although not much done last week with my new-found two car freedom! I did paint a couple of walls in the house recently and looking to do a bit more this week so we can get the pictures littering the dining room up on the wall. I'll post pictures when it's all done, hopefully before Christmas... I do love painted walls though! Makes the house more 'ours' I always think. And I always like visiting everyone else's houses on the street. Even though we all have the same floorplans, our houses are always as individual as we are and I love seeing the differences. So, invite me in!

Oh, yeah, the twins turned three on the 7th! Can't believe how big they are and how much they're talking and acting like such big kids. We just had a little family party and they blew out the candles on their cake, well mostly LG blew and LB tried... Anyway, here's a few pics from the last couple of weeks.