Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The new house has been inaugurated

with mud, blood, and Jack Daniels all over the floor... We've been a bit busy this past week since being offered a house in the new construction on post. We're almost done at the old house getting it cleaned out and I will say that ALL writing instruments will be in a locked box with 'Arms Room' security procedures for children who would like to color on designated paper! There are some areas that the magic eraser wasn't so magical on and will just get a layer of primer with the other two walls I need to do since I painted them a nice green last year... This is the first time we've been in a situation where we didn't have one house done before moving into the next house so it's been a little bit frustrating not being able to get unpacked and situated like I want to right away. J has been great with moving the furniture around (multiple times in some cases) and keeping things organized and clean so we can find things as they are needed and also watching the littles while I get stuff done at the other house. He even got them to nap yesterday! Probably more for his peace of mind then for them, but they did nap! Anyway, the mud mentioned above is from the yard that is quickly sprouting grass but still very muddy. BB and BG decided to run in the sprinkler last night and tried to sneak in to clean up. J caught them before they got on the carpeted stairway and made them clean up in the bathroom downstairs where they left much evidence and got in trouble again when I saw the mess! The blood is from LBs knees all skinned up and J's hands and feet from moving furniture. And the Jack Daniels is from LB pulling the (small) bag of alcohol off the table and breaking the bottle of JD and bottle of Rum. The dining room has lost the 'new house' smell and now smells like a distillery! Overall, the move has gone well. J and I have been working together really well in a somewhat stressful situation but I don't think we'll volunteer to move ourselves again anytime soon. When we retire, we're going to have to find someplace we never want to leave...


Kellee said...

Love, Love, Love it...

julie Schaaff said...

Sure wish that someplace you never want to leave is somewhere that we can see you more often!