Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Nothing too exciting

going on around here! Which is probably a good thing. We're just kind of hanging out, waiting for J to get home in a few weeks and keeping things going. We had a very nice Easter at church and then a wonderful dinner and egg hunt spent with friends and then the last week the kids had off from school. We didn't do a whole lot but the weather was great and the kids spent a lot of time outside. I took the big kids out for breakfast one morning and we got some cleaning and organizing done. Seems to be a constant around here!

I also had to explain abortion to my 7 year old which completely took me off guard! He heard about it (incorrectly) from a friend and came in and asked me about it. I'm so glad he talks to me when he has a question, but I was really not expecting to have to talk about abortion until well after he knew about sex. The thing that struck me most when we talked was how he immediately made up his mind that ending a pregnancy is not a good thing before I even told him my view on it. He wanted to know why and couldn't understand any reason for someone to get rid of a baby. I think by the time we were done talking he understood the basics and knows how I feel about it and that if he has anymore questions he should definetly ask me and not another kid! It's times like this that I feel so inadequate as a parent and really feel the burden of doing this by myself. I am so ready for J to get home! He can answer the next 50 questions or so...

Today I went to Syracuse to do some shopping and went to Wegmans for the first time. I wasn't disappointed and it's a good thing there is not one close by because our grocery spending would be even more out of control! The produce was wonderful and I can't wait to use it for some food I'm making for bunco tomorrow night! I also picked up some flowers and have been trying to make arrangements using wet foam instead of just plunking them in a vase. My mom always made it look so easy... well, she made everything look easy! So, I'll be busy the rest of this week with bunco and more doctors appointments and dinner out on Saturday and then next week more appointments and the kids start spring soccer practice and another week closer to J coming home! And we're still waiting to see when we'll get into one of the new houses...


Rachel said...

I often wonder why I get all the hard questions (and I'm sure they only get harder as kids get older), but yesterday it was why an aunt and uncle have no kids (they are newly married) and what is "married", and "where were me and J when you got married?" "why didn't you have us yet?"... I guess they spend the most time with me, is the main reason why, and I am also truly glad he asks, rather than learning from friends or their own conclusions.